Wonder Womb-person

Ready for any feminist feat
In her boob-tube and starry skirt,
Wonder-Woman looks petite
(though probably ought to don a shirt)
In, fact we’d better make her black
Before her foes, unhinged, attack . . .

Go-go boots show off her legs
Muscled for emancipation;
And for bearing wonder-eggs
Through empowered ovulation.
Binary gender’s warrior queen
Bursts forth upon our sexist scene,

And bristling with the strength of ten
Of her not-so wondrous sisters,
She centers red-starred crown, and then
She’s off to fight the truth’s resisters:
Rosie the Riveter’s better half—
An old-school feminist sacred calf.



write a poem about, or involving, a superhero

NB: an astute commenter noted that I made a comic mistake.
(Marvel not… oh, whoops; Diana of Themyscira is actually DC)
This is indeed Wonder Woman, NOT “Superwoman” as first scribed.
Therefore a quick poetic edit was called for…


4 comments on “Wonder Womb-person

  1. Anonymous says:

    That’s Wonder Woman, Chado. Superwoman is a heel and exists in an alternate universe. Wonder Woman was in fact, on her creation, a feminist icon — and indeed a sort of dominatrix. Luckily, she’s much more wholesome in the Justice League animated series.

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