
Cuando me siento inca, le rindo vasallaje
al Sol, que me da el cetro de su poder real…
José Santos Chocano

From mist-shrouded Macchu Pichu,
runners bring news
encoded in the Kipu.
From heights of Tawantinsuyu
Inti smiles upon the singer,
enthroned in Andean splendor;
Cuzco and Titicaca,
golden heart of the sun, Koricancha—
all release their showers;
vapor-born of snow and tropic humidity…
until, through jungle gorges
the waters descend
and finally flow
into their own names:
Orinoco, Amazonas.

Pachakuti Inca Yupanqui
blesses the many streams
and the plaintive flutes sing
of Viracocha, Pachacamac.

Yes, this IS about a Taylor Swift song.


Merriam-Webster put together a list of ten words from Taylor Swift songs.
[…] select one these words, and write a poem that uses the word as its title.


5 comments on “Incandescent

  1. The things you’ll do for NaPoWriMo! Taylor Swift, indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh, yeah. I got it.


  3. Slumming

    (for Chado)

    In April, my pal Chado opts for slumming:
    It’s NaPoWriMo time; he gets directions.
    Those organizers keep the weird prompts coming—
    And Chado sets aside his predilections.
    Well, sort of. He will write on Taylor Swift
    (that mouthy slut), to give a wild example.
    The challenge, I perceive, gives him a lift
    To versifying regions more than ample.
    But don’t imagine that he’s signing on
    For all the attitudes and implications.
    He ain’t the kind of guy a hoe can con.
    He doesn’t bow to common obfuscations.
    In every case, he’ll find a means to say
    That there’s a way to Paradise. One way.

    –Tom Riley

    Liked by 1 person

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