Faux News

Fake news indeed:
Is this a fox in the hen-house or a hoax in the fun-house ? It’s news to them that it’s views from us. Weaning ourselves tit-for-tat while we wet-nurse the networks net-worth, they pull the wool over their own press-cards, spinning yarns fit to knit a seamless weave of tailored narrative (free alterations post-laundering, free press with dry-cleaning). Ironing out the irony, the ship of state suddenly mixes metaphors: it’s a freak gyre of Greek fire: leak-proof talking points for caulking joints on a sinking vessel, a showboat floating fake liars, gloating, into lakes of fire. Let us light a naked fuse to the faked news until their networks ignite like an information overload. Fake news indeed. News to me… now watch them form a phalanx as we farm the faux links:

 Bare and Phalanxed

Presenting spin in HD hues,
bankrolled by conglomerates,
the vapid visual dominates
The Lip-Glossed Bimbo Network News.

Eschewing all the old taboos:
a mouthpiece for the metro-queer.
The Antichrist will soon appear
on lip-glossed bimbo network news.

Regardless of what next ensues
they alter every breaking story
(gearing up for something gory).
Attacks and tragedies amuse;
they never miss their prime-time cues,
those pert disinformation crews:
the lip-glossed bimbo network news.

Wherever a teapot tempest brews
they’re on the feed—it’s Live at 10;
they edit out the Truth and then
homogenize conflicting views.
Sedated viewers now can choose
what semi-informed tele-snooze
they wish to see or heed or use.

Water, water, everywhere…
a thousand channels on the air
but precious little left to lose.
It’s fair and balanced. On the brink
between PC and global-think.
It’s news for nimrods: PRAVDA-lite
the babel of descending night
now veils the flat-screen universe
MSNBC gets worse
unable to reverse the curse
of lip-glossed bimbo network news.

A bare and phalanxed fascist fox!
Liberals thus depict their foe;
(she’s barely right of center, though…
yet still they’re having hissy fits
while staring at her cleavage.) It’s
enough to make them blow their fuse –
forget diversity of views !
The offer no one can refuse
is lip-glossed bimbo network news.



4 comments on “Faux News

  1. LOL! Well said.

    I read a good one today, total rubbish from the Washington Post. I can’t even remember what it said, but so bogus and full of bias I was kind of stunned. Totally fake news.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Desdi says:

      Just heard this name for the first time today:
      The Washington COMpost ! ☺

      XP over at Praetorian Writer’s Group was calling NPR “fake news” LONG before this became their current talking-point. All Things Considered always has to drag out one more predictable story on transgender/racism/feminism/white privilege/hispano/social-justice/global warming,etc. (yawn/retch)

      Thanks for reading IB.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. poetryeditor says:

    Talking heads with frosted hair,
    chanting mantras on the screen,
    lulling viewers into dreams.
    You nod your head, you’re not aware;
    mouthing slogans, you don’t think
    who put those lies and nonsense there.
    Drink that Koolaid, drink.
    It’s the Matrix; you’re enslaved.
    You’re just a puppet in a cage.
    Enjoy your comfy, blue pill sleep,
    but what we sow, one day we reap.

    (It’s Scarlet from HelloPoetry)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Desdi says:

      My mom watches MSN every morning and questions absolutely none of it.
      NPR was the background noise of my entire youth.
      Good verse, Scarlet.
      (It’s time for a reaping!)


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